The transfer of ownership process for AIM Level 5 equipment will open in late February 2024 on the Early Years Hive.
The transfer of ownership of equipment from Pobal & DCEDIY to the relevant party occurs at the end of the child’s participation in the ECCE programme. The completion of this process will determine the destination and ownership of the Level 5 equipment item.
As per the AIM rules, section 7.20 “Pre-school providers and parent(s)/guardian(s) must engage with Pobal in relation to the transfer of ownership of equipment (including returning signed transfer of ownership forms, as appropriate).
Equipment provided under AIM Level 5 should not be removed from the pre-school until the transfer of ownership process is completed.” A Service Provider will be deemed to be in breach of their Standard Operating Agreement with Pobal where equipment is removed from the preschool prior to approval of the transfer of ownership.
A ‘How to Guide’ on how to complete the Transfer of Ownership process is available to Service Providers here.
If you require any additional information or support, please submit a request through Hive using the following categories:
  • Programme: AIM Level 5
  • Request Type: Equipment
  • Request Type Detail: Transfer of Ownership