Board of Directors Role
WxCCC Directors are the Governing Body of the Company, they ensure compliance with all statutory obligations in line with the Company’s Act 2014, WxCCC Constitution and Employment Law. The Directors oversee and are accountable to ensuring the company’s financial management adheres to all reporting requirements and regulatory procedures in line with relevant terms and conditions of Grant Agreements signed on behalf of our funders the DCEDIY. The company achieves this through attendance at seven board meetings per year and an AGM, these meetings ensure the company has clear plans, policies, resources and team oversight in place to achieve its objectives, namely implementation of the DCEDIY LIP/SOW, Company’s Act 2014 legal compliance and adherence to Charities Governance Code.
The Directors are independent members of the Board who possess combined skillset and expertise in the areas of Management, Corporate Governance, Charities Regulatory Governance Code, Employment Law, Financial Management, Project Management, Childcare/Social Care, Human Resources, Public Policy, Communications and Business. There are currently six Directors on the board of WxCCC, three of which hold positions of Chairperson (provides leadership and chairs board meetings, with particular role of support to the CEO and is the link person with board members between meetings), Company Secretary (oversight of legal responsibilities of the company) and Treasurer (overview of the organisation’s financial affairs).
WxCCC Board of Directors
Jim Davidson | Chairperson/Director |
Boyd Scott | Treasurer/Director |
Val Boggan | Company Secretary/ Director |
Pádraig Murphy | Director |
Dr. Dawn Murphy | Director |
Andrew McCartan | Director |
Tom Finn | Director |
The organisational structure of WxCCC.

Our Team
There are six employees within WxCCC team, all of whom provide professional support and advice to our key stakeholders.
Name | Title | Contract |
Siobhán Cummins | CEO | 35hrs per week |
Jillian Murray | Childcare Development Officer | 28hrs per week |
Eithne Hodnett | Childcare Development Officer | 28hrs per week |
Eve Doran | Childcare Development Officer | 35hrs per week |
Anne Lonergan | Finance & Programmes Officer | 35hrs per week |
Mary Murray | Childminding Development Officer | 21hrs per week |
What does WxCCC do?
The primary role of WxCCC is to implement at a local level National Early Years Funding Programmes and Policy on behalf of the DCEDIY. In doing this WxCCC collaborates where relevant, with ELC and SAC services, Statutory Bodies (Tusla, HSE, Dept of Education, Dept of Social Protection), Community and Voluntary Sector, Early Years Organisations, Parents, Children and elected representatives to continue the positive development of quality, affordable and accessible childcare in Co Wexford.
There are currently 144 ELC and SAC services in operation within the main towns and hinterland of Co. Wexford (Wexford, Enniscorthy, New Ross and Gorey).
WxCCC operate National Early Years Funding Programmes and Policy at a local level on behalf of the DCEDIY, Tusla and Dept of Education through i) the provision of administrative support and advice to ensure compliance with administration criteria of National Programmes, ii) supporting ELC and SAC services compliance with Childcare Regulations 2016 and Registration of School Age Childcare Regulations 2018 (inspected by Tusla) and delivery of policy training such as Child Protection and Diversity, Equality & Inclusion.
WxCCC acts as a local agent of the DCEDIY, communicating effectively and in a timely manner to the ELC and SAC sector on, i) new Funding programme announcements, ii) Covid-19 sustainability funding measures and iii) administrative support and compliance for programmes.
WxCCC has a significant role in the promotion of The National Childcare Scheme (NCS). For the first time in Irish history this scheme places a statutory entitlement to financial support for parents for childcare. NCS establishes an equitable and progressive system of universal and income-related subsidies for children up to the age of 15. More information on
WxCCC in response to National directives and provider identified needs provide continuous professional development training supports in the areas of Child Protection, National Early Years Practice Frameworks such as Síolta (Quality) and Aistear (Curriculum), Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Human Resources (Support & Supervision), Governance training for Community BOM and First Aid Responder (FAR). WxCCC tailor support sessions based on identified need through the development team’s engagement with services. WxCCC deliver this training through our development team and external trainers who are experienced in relevant fields.
WxCCC Grant Administration – Childminders and Parent & Toddler Grants are administered and approved in line with criteria guidelines for those that make applications within a set timeframe. WxCCC receive an allocated amount of funding towards these grants, applications are reviewed and appraised through our Grant Administration Sub-committee.
Learner funds, WxCCC administer this funding to support Early Years/School Age Childcare practitioners to progress their Early Years qualifications through participation on accredited training courses, mainly third level bursaries for accredited Level’s 7, 8 & 9.
Tusla Inspection preparation and inspection report outcome support, WxCCC development team offer support to Early Years providers who need help in meeting Childcare Regulations (2016) as required and SAC services in compliance with SAC Registration Regulations (2018).
Dept of Education (DE) Early Years Inspections, support offered to those who wish to prepare for or following on from an inspection advisory visit.
Access & Inclusion Model (AIM) was introduced by the DCEDIY in early 2016, the goal of AIM is to create a more inclusive environment in pre-schools, so all children, regardless of ability, can benefit from quality early learning and care. The model achieves this by providing universal supports to pre-school settings, and targeted supports, which focus on the needs of the individual child, without requiring a diagnosis of disability. WxCCC support services and parents through i) information advice and session delivery, ii) promotion of DEI/LINC training, iii) making relevant applications for Levels 4-7 support and iv) collating national data as required.
National Childminding Action Plan, launched in April 2021, WxCCC support engagement with existing and potential childminders, through information supports, grant administration and network/training opportunities.
WxCCC Collaborations
WxCCC work closely with aims and objectives of First 5 A Whole-of-Government Strategy for Babies, Young Children and their Families (2019-2028) and Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: The National Policy for Children and Young People (2014-2020).
WxCCC prides itself on collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders to maximise the impact of its work, to avoid duplication of government resources and achieve the best possible outcomes for children and young people. It works both nationally and locally to implement the annual LIP/SOW.
WxCCC comes under the umbrella of Childcare Committees Ireland (CCI), CCI is a National network for all CCC’s to come together once every 6/8 weeks to i) coordinate workload and share information, ideas and strategies, ii) participate in the development of National strategies, policies and programmes in ECCE within a strategic framework, iii) respond to national directives in a consistent manner, iv) to communicate and strengthen the position of CCC’s at a national level within the Early Years and SAC sector. CCC’s nominate representatives onto external interagency committees and establish relevant working groups to ensure we have a voice at a National level in ECCE and SAC developments.
Childminding – WxCCC works with the regional childminder development officer and national coordinator.
WxCCC team works closely with DCEDIY and Pobal and the CEO sits on national working groups for Childminders, First Aid Response and is a member of National Council for Curriculum & Assessment’s (NCCA) Early Childhood & Primary Board.
Local Level
WxCCC is a key partner at interagency level working collaboratively with all relevant agencies within the County who have a remit to supporting the development of Children, Youth and Family Support Services. WxCCC have representation at committee and working group level of the Wexford Children & Young People Services Committee (CYPSC). WxCCC collaborate with IT Carlow Wexford Campus and Wexford Chamber Skillnet in promoting access to Early Childhood Education and Care Courses at the outreach campus in Summer Hill. WxCCC works closely with Tusla Early Years Inspector and relevant personnel who oversee Parenting Programmes & Family Support Networks. WxCCC work alongside Wexford County Council library services and has representation on the Traveller Interagency Group. WxCCC works closely also with Wexford Waterford Education Training Board and Barnardos in delivery of a variety of development areas within the ELC & SAC sector and family supports.
For further advice, please contact our office on 053 9237156 or