Who are Wexford County Childcare Committee CLG?
Wexford County Childcare Committee (WxCCC) CLG was 1 of 33 City & County Childcare Committees set up in 2001 (30 in 2018), as part of National Childcare Policy to co-ordinate the development of childcare locally and to act as a local Early Childhood Education & Care (ECEC) advice and support agency for all Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) owner/managers, practitioners and voluntary boards of management. WxCCC also have a support remit to Parents, Childminders and Early Years and School Age Childcare students.
Our Funding
WxCCC is fully funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) and receives an annual core budget to ensure the smooth running of company operations and successful delivery of Local Implementation Plan/Statement of Work (LIP/SOW) actions. WxCCC presents an annual financial budget plan to DCEDIY each year which is appraised by Pobal (Funding Administrators) prior to approval.
Who Audits WxCCC’s work?
WxCCC’s work, procedures and financial compliance is audited both externally by Doyle Fielding Accountants and on behalf of the DCEDIY by Pobal.
Our Governance Structure
WxCCC is a not-for-profit registered charity that is also a company limited by guarantee. WxCCC reports to DCEDIY via Pobal, to the Companies Registration Office (CRO) (Co. No. 360658), the Revenue Commissioners and the Charities Regulatory Authority (CHY 14732 and CRA No. 20048761).
WxCCC is governed by a Board of Directors who sit independently and in a voluntary capacity to ensure the company achieves its main aims and objectives. For good governance, anyone looking to become a member of WxCCC is expected to become a Director. Information on the role of a Board member can be found on https://www.charitiesregulator.ie/en/information-for-charities/who-is-a-charity-trustee
WxCCC is committed to implementing the Charities Regulator’s Governance Code, which is a Framework of Principles to assist organisations in being compliant with law and to implementing best practice in governance and management administration of charities, the five main principles being:
• Leading the Organisation
• Exercising Control over the organisation
• Being transparent and accountable
• Working effectively
• Behaving with integrity