There are various local and national organisations that provide support, advice and information to parents.

First 5 (2019-2028):

First 5 is a whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families. It is a ten-year plan to help make sure all children have positive early experiences and get a great start in life. There are resources on the First 5 website for parents in various areas including, learning through play and how to support children’s learning. For more information go to the First 5 website

National Child Safeguarding Programme ELC:

The National Child Safeguarding Committee; Early Learning and Care was set up in 2012. The Committee was developed with the primary aim of addressing the implementation of Children First in the Early Years Sector. Parents should speak to the Manager in their child’s Early Learning and Care setting about their Child Safeguarding Statement and Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. Parents and stakeholders can request copies of these documents and answers to all questions and queries relating to Child Safeguarding and Child Protection and Welfare should be provided by Management of the setting. For more information go to the National Child Safeguarding Programme ELC website.

National Parents Council (NPC):

NPC is the only representative organisation for parents of children in primary or early education. NPC supports parents to support their children throughout their early and primary school years. There is information on what to consider when choosing a preschool, what children will learn in preschool and how to get involved in children’s education.

For more information go to the NPC website or call the helpline on 01 887 4477.

Tusla Family Support:

The main focus of family support services is on early intervention, aiming to promote and protect the health, well-being and rights of all children, young people and their families.  Particular attention is given to those who are vulnerable or at risk. For more information go to the Tusla website


Barnardos is a charity that provides support for children, young people, and families in need. The organisation promotes and provides assistance towards the education of children and young people in social or economic disadvantage. They also provide services for and promote and advance the welfare of children, young people and their families whose lives have been affected by economic, social or other disadvantage or loss. For more information go to the Barnardos website.

Wexford CYPSC:

Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) are a key structure identified by Government to plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people in every county in Ireland. Their age remit spans all children and young people aged from 0 to 24 years. The purpose of the CYPSC is to ensure effective interagency co-ordination and collaboration to achieve the best outcomes for all children and young people in their area.​ 


Wexford CYPSC had its initial meeting in February 2014.  The first Wexford Children & Young Peoples Plan 2017-2019 was officially launched in December 2017. This Plan has now expired and Wexford CYPSC and its subgroups are in the final stages of developing the next Plan which will run from Autumn 2020 – 2023. To access the many resources provided by Wexford CYPSC click here. 

Wexford Parents Hub:

Wexford Parents Hub provides easily accessible information on forth-coming talks and parenting programmes that are available in county Wexford. For more information you can go to the Wexford Parents Hub website  or to the Wexford Parents Hub Facebook page.

You can contact our office on 053 92 37156 or

WxCCC are available to offer support, provide guidance and signposting to parents. Contact the office 053 9237156